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Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures by the Numbers (10 Years)

Non-invasive cosmetic dermatology procedures have been on the rise consistently for the last ten years. We’re going to take a look at some of the changes between 2016 (the most recently reported year), 2011, and 2007.

We’ll start with the big picture. Click one of the subtopics below to skip to that section:

Overview of Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures the Last 10 Years

In 2016 there were 17,192,816 non-invasive cosmetic dermatology procedures, which is significantly more than the 9,957,947 that took place in 2007.

Here are the increases in non-invasive cosmetic dermatology procedures:

    40.35% from 2007 to 2011
    23.01% from 2011 to 2016
    72.7% from 2007 to 2016


Number of Males and Females Getting Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures

The male to female ratio for non-invasive cosmetic dermatology procedures has stayed very consistent over time, as have the overall age demographics. The amount of both men and women getting procedures has increased significantly over time.

    % of female patients: 91-92%
    % of male patients: 8-9%
    Number of male patients in 2007: 896,215
    Number of male patients in 2016: 1,375,425

53.5% increase in men getting non-invasive cosmetic dermatology procedures

    Number of female patients in 2007: 9,061,732
    Number of female patients in 2016: 15,817,391

74.6% increase in men getting non-invasive cosmetic dermatology procedures

Age Demographics of People Getting Non-Invasive Dermatology Procedures

Age demographics of people getting procedures over the last 10 years:

    Age 13-19: 1%
    Age 20-29: 4-5%
    Age 30-39: 17-19%
    Age 40-55: 49-51%
    Age 55+: 26-27%

There were not any meaningful changes in age demographics over the time period, as the most anything changed from one time period to another was 1 percent.

Cosmetic Dermatology Becoming More of a Priority

As you can see, cosmetic dermatologic procedures are becoming a priority for significantly more people over time. People are increasingly realizing that the effects of aging are at least partially a choice, and most of these procedures are all focused on reducing or eliminating signs of aging.

Being careful about sun exposure and maintaining a good skincare regimen are essential for healthy skin in later years. Even the most vigilant person will still show some of the inevitable signs of aging. However, a number of these procedures can significantly reduce signs of aging. For the best and most lasting results it is necessary to figure out what combination is best for your goals and your skin type.

Want to find out how to make your skin better? Make an appointment for a free consultation with one of our aestheticians to get free personalized recommendations.

Taking a Look at 4 of the Most Popular Non-Invasive Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures

We are going to be examining numbers for Botox Cosmetic and other botulinum formulations, chemical peels, laser hair removal, soft tissue fillers (dermal fillers), and overall cosmetic dermatology procedures.

We’ll take a look at the different procedures in order of popularity:

    BOTOX and similar injectables
    Soft tissue fillers (dermal fillers)
    Chemical Peels
    Laser Hair Removal

BOTOX and Similar Injectables Statistics Over Ten Years

BOTOX Cosmetic dermatology procedure popularity over 10 years and demographics infographic v2

All statistics from

Overall Yearly BOTOX Statistics

In 2016, just over 7 million people got BOTOX or similar injections, while in 2007 the number was 4.6 million. This procedure is so popular that even in 2007 more people got BOTOX or other similar treatments than any other type of cosmetic procedure in the United States.

BOTOX Cosmetic and similar injectables:

    22.6% increase from 2007 to 2011
    24.4% increase from 2011 to 2016
    52.6% increase from 2007 to 2016

There’s a reason why BOTOX and other injectables such as Dysport are so popular and keep growing in popularity, and that’s because they work. BOTOX has helped millions of people to reduce or eliminate crow’s feet, frown lines, and forehead lines. There are also a number of other medical applications that BOTOX is used for, as well as some other cosmetic applications.

BOTOX has a terrific track records with regard to safety, and BOTOX was first approved by the FDA in 2002, but has been used extensively by celebrities for a long time before that to look their best. BOTOX has also recently been found in studies to have benefits for the skin as well.

Male and Female BOTOX Statistics Breakdown

Over the years the number of both men and women getting BOTOX has increased substantially (see above), but the percentages of men and women have stayed the same so far.

Of the people who get BOTOX and similar procedures here is the breakdown of men and women:

    Women: 94% Men: 6%

While BOTOX and Dysport are still primarily used by women, an increasing number of men are finding that BOTOX can be helpful for them to achieve their goals of looking their best as well.

Age Breakdown of Patients Over Time

People tend to start considering injectables such as Dysport and BOTOX in their 30s, but the majority of patients are over 40.

    18-19% of patients were 30-39 years old
    55-57% of patients were 40-54 years old
    23% of patients were 55+ years old

Botulinum treatments can work as a preventative measure, so it is something that should be considered when wrinkles and expression lines such as crow’s feet, forehead lines or frown lines are in their infancy to be the most effective.

While so far the age breakdown has stayed relatively consistent, in our own practice we are seeing the patients who are considering BOTOX to be trending slightly younger over time as more patients in their 20s and 30s are requesting the procedure.

Dermal Fillers/Soft Tissue Fillers Statistics Over Ten Years

Dermal Fillers cosmetic dermatology procedure popularity over 10 years and demographics infographic

Overall Dermal Fillers Statistics

In 2016, about 2.6 million people got dermal fillers, while in 2007 the number was slightly over 1 million people. Dermal fillers have seen tremendous growth over the last ten years as people have become more familiar with them and their benefits.

Dermal Fillers increased:

    80% between 2007 and 2011
    37.5% from 2011 to 2016
    147.5% increase in 10 years

There are a number of very effective dermal fillers all with slightly different formulations, varying in thickness, ideal location for the face, and longevity.

Male and Female Dermal Filler Statistics Over Time

Dermal fillers have been increasing much faster for women than for men, making the percentage balance of procedures favor women more heavily. An increasing amount of men have been getting the procedure done for both time periods.

    73,551 men got dermal fillers in 2007
    94,558 men got dermal fillers in 2011
    104,035 men got dermal fillers in 2016
    977,171 women got dermal fillers in 2007
    1,796,600 women got dermal fillers in 2011
    2,496,833 women got dermal fillers in 2016

As you can see, dermal fillers have grown substantially in popularity with women over each time period, almost doubling from 2007 to 2011!

Age Breakdown of Dermal Filler Patients

The age breakdown for dermal filler patients is similar to that of BOTOX and similar injections, but it is slightly older.

The number of people getting dermal fillers over time:

    30-39: 11%
    40-54: 49-50%
    55+: 36-37%

As you can see, the percentage of people in each age group over time has stayed relatively consistent. While this is also a procedure people start to consider in their 30s, most people don’t start actually getting it done until they reach their 40s. We expect these statistics to change however with the next analyzation due to growing popularity of lip injections in a younger patient population.

Like all cosmetic procedures, what time is right for a person is determined by their specific situation and their short and long-term goals with how they want to look. People who are curious about how to best achieve their goals can schedule a consultation with one of our dermatologists.

Contact us to Schedule Your Consultation

Chemical Peels Statistics Over Ten Years

Chemical Peels cosmetic procedure popularity over 10 years and demographics infographic
In 2016 1.36 million people got chemical peels done, while in 2007 it was about 1 million. Here are the changes over time:

    22.55% increase from 2007 to 2011
    8.36% increase from 2011 to 2016
    32.8% increase from 2007 to 2016

There was a big increase in the amount of people getting chemical peels over the years and it is still increasing. Chemical peels are a great way to rejuvenate your skin and bring forth the healthiest layers of skin.

Many people don’t understand the difference between chemical peels that are done at a spa or beauty salon and the chemical peels that are done at a doctor’s office. At a dermatologist’s office we have access to medical grade products that have higher concentrations of all the chemicals that matter to get the best results for our clients.

The reason we have access to these products and other places don’t is because we have extensive knowledge and training on how to apply them responsibly.

Male and Female Chemical Peel Statistics Over Ten Years

The percentage of men getting chemical peels went up 5% from 2011 to 2016 after staying consistent from 2007 to 2011.

    13% of patients receiving chemical peels were men in 2016
    8% of patients receiving chemical peels were men in both 2011 and 2007

The amount of both women and men getting chemical peels has been increasing over the years:

Number of women who got chemical peels in:

    2007: 942,805
    2011: 1,043,836
    2016: 1,279,199

As you can see above, even with the large percentage increase of men between 2011 and 2016, there were also plenty more women who got chemical peels. As they continue to increase their efficacy we expect these numbers to continually rise over the next few years.

Age Breakdown of Chemical Peel Patients

Like the other treatments, the age breakdown of patients has stayed very consistent over time.

The percentages of chemical peels stayed within these ranges for each age:

    12-13% Age 30-39
    42-44% Age 40-54
    42-44% Age 55+

Since chemical peels are often used to combat the visible signs of aging on the skin, it is not overly surprising that the age demographics are very similar to that of BOTOX and dermal filler injections. There is a bit more variation for laser skin resurfacing and laser hair removal.

Laser Hair Removal Statistics Over Ten Years

Laser Hair Removal Cosmetic dermatology procedure popularity over 10 years and demographics infographic
In 2016 there were 1,109,385 people who got laser hair removal, and in 2007 there were 905,940. Here are the changes over time:

    2.85% change from 2007 to 2011
    19.06% change from 2011 to 2016
    22.5% change from 2007 to 2016

Laser hair removal is a procedure where the technology has advanced significantly in the last ten years. There are a variety of different lasers and different quality practitioners on the market, as this is often a procedure that is offered by people who are not doctors.

Lasers can change skin pigmentation and cause a number of other complications when not used in the correct way for the correct skin type, and different skin types require different lasers. All laser treatments should be done under the supervision of a board-certified dermatologist to minimize risk and make sure you get the best results possible.

As laser hair removal continues to get more effective we expect to see a lot more of both men and women coming in to get the procedure done to get rid of unwanted hair.

Male and Female Laser Hair Removal Statistics Over Ten Years

Laser hair removal had a very high number of men looking to do the procedure in 2007, whereas the increase since then has come from more women doing the procedure.

    2007 81% Female and 19% Male
    2011 83 % Female and 17% Male
    2006 92% Female and 8% Male

As the efficacy of laser hair removal continues to improve we expect to see an uptick in men getting laser hair removal as time progresses. We wrote about laser hair removal for men on our blog last November.

Demographics for Laser Hair Removal Over Ten Years

The demographics are very different for laser hair removal than the other procedures we have looked at so far, and understandably so. People will receive the most benefit from doing laser hair removal earlier in their life, as it will significantly reduce if not eliminate time and money spent on areas where hair is not wanted.

This is the first procedure that not only incorporates more 20-29 year olds, but also a number of 13-19 year olds.

Here’s the percentage of laser hair removal patients in each age group:

    13-19 year old: 6-7%
    20-29 year olds: 22%
    30-39 year olds: 29%
    40-55 year olds: 35-36%
    55+ year olds: 6-7%

It is perhaps a bit surprising that so many people that get laser hair removal are in the 40-55 age range, but this is also a time where people can start growing hair in areas they didn’t before due to hormonal or other changes.

Laser hair removal is a procedure that suits a wide range of people who have unwanted hair. Sometimes it is because people do not like shaving all the time, other times it is due to having darker colored hair in what they consider to be unsightly places, or maybe hair starts growing in an area it wasn’t before such as the back.

If you are curious about laser hair removal make an appointment for a free consultation today to see if it is the right option for you.


Non-invasive cosmetic dermatology is only going to grow over time as it gets more and more effective. While aging is something that will inevitably happen, we are getting more and more effective at maintaining the health and youth of our skin as we grow older.

These 4 cosmetic dermatology procedures are only 4 of a number of cosmetic procedures available at Dermatology Center of Acadiana to make help keep your skin healthy and vibrant.

Schedule a consultation with a dermatologist today to figure out what is best for your skin type and your goals.

Full Dermatology Statistics Compilation Chart

Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures Statistics-by age and gender