Medical Dermatology Specialists

Sun DamageAcneRosaceaEczemaPsoriasisContact Dermatitis
WartsMolesBirthmarksSkin Cancer



At the Dermatology Center of Acadiana, we treat adults and children for a range of medical skin issues. Our doctors are dermatology specialists, which means that their focus is on improving the general health and well-being of patients through the diagnosis and treatment of disorders that affect the skin.

Your skin is the largest organ on your body. This means that it can be a reliable indicator of the body’s overall condition. Skin that is distressed may indicate the presence of a larger, more serious problem, and that’s why it’s important to develop a good relationship with board-certified dermatology specialists like our doctors.

The people of Lafayette and surrounding communities have trusted their skin to Drs. Dupree and Kennedy for many years. Thanks to their expertise, dedication to continuing education and commitment to providing outstanding medical dermatology services, they have taken care of patients with everything from warts to skin cancer. Here is a sample of the many medical conditions that these dermatology specialists treat on a daily basis.

Sun Damage

Lines, wrinkles, dry skin and uneven pigmentation are all signs of sun damage that are commonly seen in our Lafayette dermatology office. Many people mistakenly think that these symptoms are an unavoidable part of aging. The reality is that the better you protect your skin from harmful UV rays, the fewer of these problems you will have. From topical retinoids to deep chemical peels, many patients are pleasantly surprised by the diversity of treatment methods that are available. Laser applications may also be a sensible approach when it comes to reversing the signs of sun damage.

Learn more about Sun Damage


Although it is usually considered an adolescent affliction, the truth is that acne can strike at any age. Treating acne can be frustrating when it is not guided by knowledgeable dermatology specialists. In fact, many stubborn cases do not respond to over-the-counter treatments, making the intervention of a doctor indispensable. Your dermatologist may recommend topical treatments and prescription pills such as antibiotics. At our Lafayette dermatology practice, we also perform in-office procedures such as chemical peels and laser treatments.

Learn more about Acne


This common skin condition manifests as redness or breakouts that may appear very similar to acne. Rosacea most commonly affects the face. However, some forms of the disease affect the eyes, causing redness or irritation. Fortunately, medical dermatology specialists have options when it comes to treating this condition. While there is no cure, the experienced practitioners at our office are skilled at treating rosacea through the use of a combination of topical treatments, oral prescriptions, laser applications, and dermabrasion.

Learn more about Rosacea


Like rosacea, there is no cure for eczema. However, our dermatologists are experienced at assisting patients with eczema so that they may learn to identify triggers that cause flare-ups. Once these triggers are known, our doctors may prescribe a proper treatment plan to control these flare-ups. This is usually managed successfully with a combination of over the counter products and prescription medications.

Learn more about Eczema


This troubling skin condition occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the skin. Raised, red, thickened patches of skin can appear on various parts of the body, as well as the scalp. As uncomfortable as this condition may be, your medical dermatology specialists can alleviate your symptoms. Prescription drugs may be given topically, orally or by injection.

Learn more about Psoriasis

Contact Dermatitis

When your skin suddenly becomes red and irritated, then you may be experiencing contact dermatitis. This condition can be caused by using a new moisturizer on your skin, the nickel in a piece of jewelry or coming into contact with poison oak. These conditions are rarely serious, but they can be extremely uncomfortable. Talk with a dermatologist when these symptoms occur.

Learn more about Rashes


These skin growths may be benign, but many people would strongly prefer to be without them. Fortunately, your dermatologist has the knowledge and tools that are necessary to correct this problem. After a thorough examination and discussion, to determine the best treatment method, your dermatologist will proceed to provide you with various options and recommendations to treat your warts.

Learn more about Warts and HPV


Moles are quite common at all ages. While they are frequently benign, a particularly dangerous form of skin cancer known as melanoma can grow from moles. When this condition is detected early, it may be curable. An annual mole check should be a part of your routine with your dermatology specialists.

Learn more about Moles


Although birthmarks are harmless, most cases warrant routine monitoring. Our Dermatologists may recommend removal or a laser therapy treatment to minimize the size and appearance of birthmarks.

Learn more about Birthmarks

Skin Cancer

Squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and melanoma are among the most common skin cancers in the U.S. Left untreated, they can prove to be deadly. When you make regular visits to a dermatologist and take careful note of any changes to your skin, you greatly improve your chances of leading a long and healthy life. If detected early, some cases may be treated with prescription creams. If this is not an option, your doctor may perform excisional surgery, cryo-surgery, and electrodessication and curettage to give you best the option for a cure.

Learn more about Skin Cancer