How many treatments will I need?
While people generally start to see results after the first 1-2 treatments it is usually necessary to have between 3-6 for maximum effectiveness. Take a look at the difference between results of the more traditional Q-switch treatments above and the Enlighten laser to get an idea of the difference between them in even the toughest situations.
Can I get it for large tattoos?
Yes. Enlighten is for tattoos of all shapes and sizes. Some will be harder than others to treat, but all tattoos can be significantly reduced if not completely eliminated. Take a look at the example of a back tattoo that was mostly removed after 4 Enlighten treatments. The amount we are able to remove will depend on a number of factors, including the colors and depth of the ink in your skin.
Can you guarantee that it will completely erase my tattoos?
Unfortunately, that’s not possible… yet. The Enlighten laser is the most advanced and effective treatment available for tattoo removal, but technology has not made it to the point yet that we can guarantee full removal without a trace. What we can guarantee is that we will work with you every step of the way to achieve the best result possible. How effective treatment will be for each tattoo depends on a number of factors outside of our control, including the depth of the tattoo and the colors of the ink.